New Zealand Diploma in Whanau Ora (Level 5)
The purpose of this qualification is to provide graduates with in-depth knowledge, skills and experiences in mātauranga Māori wellbeing approaches for Whānau Ora contexts. Graduates of this qualification will be able to independently apply knowledge of Māori philosophies and theories of Māori wellbeing across a range of whānau ora contexts.
This qualification complies with the eligibility for pay equity under the Government’s pay equity settlement scheme.
This course will cover:
- Rangatiratanga
- Kaitiakitanga
- Whanaungatanga
- Pono me te Tika
- Pukengatanga
- Manaakitanga
Duration 40 weeks comprising 8 noho marae (1 per month) of 2 days duration
Delivery Up-front teaching will occur at both marae base level and onsite at the workplace. Kaiako will be available 2 days a week for tutorial support providing either group or one to one assistance. Ākonga will be required to complete set tasks in the time allocated for selfdirected learning.
Credits 120
Entry Requirements Be at least 16 years of age and be a citizen or permanent resident of NZ. • Be able to read, write, and communicate in English at a proficient level. • Basic to immediate knowledge of te reo me nga tikanga Māori is advantageous.